Fruits Basket on video at Fruits Basket is the story of Tohru Honda, who stumbles across the home of her classmate Yuki Sohma, and accidentally discovers his family's BIG secret - when 'hugged' by someone of the opposite sex, they are cursed to turn into the animals of the Chinese zodiac. Fruits Basket
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Fruits Basket : A Great Transformation (Vol. 1)

Fruits Basket (called 'Furuba' by fans) is the story of Tohru Honda, a high school student who has lost both of her parents. Her mother died only a year ago and Touru misses her so much that she always carries her picture around with her. Tohru was living with her paternal grandfather until he began renovations on his home, so he asked her if she'd mind staying with some friends for awhile. Tohru didn't want to impose on either of her friends, so she decided to set up a tent in the woods until the house was finished. That is until one day she stumbles across the home of her classmate Yuki Sohma, and accidentally discovers his family's BIG secret - when 'hugged' by someone of the opposite sex, they are cursed to turn into the animals of the Chinese zodiac. Tohru ends up moving in with the Sohma family as a housekeeper/cook in exchange for room and board, and she is introduced one-by-one to the rest of the clan (some of whom are... VERY... unusual).

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