Magic User's Club on video at The story of a young girl named Sae Sawanoguchi, who joins the Magic Club at her school. Sae talked her best friend, Nanaka, into joining with her, although she doesn't really seem interested. The Magic User's Club, Takakura, Akane, Sae, Aburatsubo, and Nanaka are the only ones on Earth who can oppose the alien threat. Magic User's Club
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Magic User's Club : I'll Follow You (Vol. 1)

The Magic Users' Club (a.k.a. Mahou Tsukai Tai ['I want to do magic!']) is the story of a young girl named Sae Sawanoguchi, who joins the Magic Club at her school. Sae talked her best friend, Nanaka, into joining with her, although she doesn't really seem interested. The Magic User's Club, Takakura, Akane, Sae, Aburatsubo, and Nanaka are the only ones on Earth who can oppose the alien threat. This situation calls for drastic action, and the entire Magic Club is prepared to get as far away as possible and retreat to the beach. However, when Miyama shows up, Takakura wonders if fighting aliens would be more relaxing!

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