Hello Kitty's Cube Frenzy - PlayStation
Hello Kitty is vacationing on an island when Badtz Maru douses her in tripodelic spores. She is whisked away to a magical candy-colored land of gleaming cubes and robbed of the R&R she so richly deserves. Right. Anyway, the main object here is a simple one: Gather all the items on a stage to progress to the next one. Hello Kitty runs back and forth semi-controllably, scampering pell-mell into the shrieking abyss if you let her. Your only defenses against this are the L and R buttons, which can make her change direction, and groups of blocks that magically fall from the sky in the manner of any latter-day puzzle game you'd care to mention. The only catch is that these blocks, while clearable in a Columns-like fashion, can be stacked to build bridges and walkways for Kitty to traverse as she collects the myriad fruit, lipstick, and rodeo boots littering the landscape.