Zone of the Enders (Z.O.E.) - PlayStation2
Zone of the Enders not only looks great, but it plays well. Set in the future inside an orbital space colony, Zone casts players as Leo, a young boy who inadvertently and unwillingly becomes the pilot of an orbital frame (giant robot) named Jehuty during a brutal invasion by hostile forces. The mission-based gameplay in Zone requires Leo to travel back and forth between various locations, performing simple tasks and fighting squads of enemy orbital frames in addition to the occasional 'boss'. Piloting Jehuty is a breeze thanks to intuitive controls, effective onscreen displays, and a rotating third-person camera viewpoint that's refreshingly unobtrusive. While the 3-D environments are somewhat cramped, they're richly detailed and very interactive, allowing for some serious property damage that, along with civilian casualties, is frowned upon.