Cubix - Robots for Everyone - focuses on 13-year-old Connor, a prodigous robot enthuasist. After his mother's death, his father Graham decides to move his donut shop and family to a new town. Cubix
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Cubix Robots for Everyone - Race 'N Robots - PlayStation

Cubix - Robots for Everyone - focuses on 13-year-old Connor, a prodigous robot enthuasist. After his mother's death, his father Graham decides to move his donut shop and family to a new town. Their destination - Bubble Town, the world's robot capital. Connor is totally amazed by his new home, but Graham isn't too happy being around endless robots, since he has a preconceived prejudice against robots who can think for themselves. Connor's fasination leads him to join the town's robot club, the 'Botties' Pit' and gain a new friend of his own, Cubix, a robot once dubbed 'unfixable'. Lurking around their corner is the villainous Dr. K, who is only interested in snatching a mysterious substance called 'Solex' and not about the robots' feelings. Will Dr. K's plans prevail? Will Connor come to common ground with his father?

Toys and Games


Cubix Robots for Everyone
Cubix Robots for Everyone
Race n' Robots
Windows 95 / 98 / Me

Cubix Robots for Everyone
Cubix Robots for Everyone
Race 'N Robots

Cubix Robots for Everyone
Cubix Robots for Everyone
Clash 'N Bash
Game Boy Advance

Cubix Robots for Everyone
Cubix Robots for Everyone
Race 'n Robots
Game Boy Color

Cubix Robots for Everyone
Cubix Robots for Everyone
Game Boy Advance

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