New Kimagure Orange Road : Summer's Beginning
The show features a family of ESPers: Kyousuke, the main character, his twin sisters and his non-ESPer father. The show revolves around Kyousuke's life at a new highschool and meeting two roughneck gangsters: Hikaru and her best friend (tough fighter and talented musician), Ayukuwa Madoka. Hikaru loves Kyouske who loves Ayukuwa but despite her feelings for Kyousuke, she holds her emotions because of her best friend. In 1991, the 19-year-old Kyosuke is struck by car and propelled three years into the future, where he tries to understand the changes that have taken place in his world. Madoka and Hikaru have grown up to become a promising songwriter and a student of drama and dance, respectively; the older Kyosuke is a student-photographer on assignment in Bosnia. The problem of two Kyosukes coexisting is played for laughs, including a sequence where the 22-year-old Kyosuke counsels his younger self.