Ai Yori Aoshi on DVD at Eight-year-old Sakuraba Aoi is destined to be married to eight-year-old Hanabishi Kaoru when they grow up. Unfortunately, as they start to develop a liking for each other, something happens between the Hanabishi and the Sakuraba that both didn't want anything to do with each other. Ai Yori Aoshi
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Ai Yori Aoshi : Faithfully Yours (Vol. 1)

In Tokyo, there are two very well respected families, the Hanabishi and the Sakuraba. Eight-year-old Sakuraba Aoi is destined to be married to eight-year-old Hanabishi Kaoru when they grow up. The two families decide that if they are to be married, they need to first befriend each other first. Unfortunately, as they start to develop a liking for each other, something happens between the Hanabishi and the Sakuraba that both didn't want anything to do with each other. Aoi's parents thought that Aoi would easily forget Kaoru as any child forget things. They were wrong. Aoi loved Kaoru and she hoped that he will come back for her. After waiting ten years, Aoi ran away from home to live in Tokyo to search for Kaoru. After finding Kaoru by accident, the two are happily reunited. However Aoi's mother rejected the option that Aoi will marry Kaoru. But she tries to be nice to Aoi and let Aoi and Kaoru live in the Sakuraba summer home for a while... with her lifelong maid, Miyabi (who hates Kaoru). Unfortunately for the two lovers, three women want to live under the same roof as Kaoru (Tina, Taeko, and Mayu). Will Aoi convince Kaoru that they are destined to be married? Watch it to find out...

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Ai Yori Aoshi
Ai Yori Aoshi
Faithfully Yours
with Series Box
(Vol. 1)

Ai Yori Aoshi
Ai Yori Aoshi
Faithfully Yours
(Vol. 1)

Ai Yori Aoshi
Ai Yori Aoshi
My Dearest
(Vol. 2)

Ai Yori Aoshi
Ai Yori Aoshi
Hugs & Kisses
(Vol. 3)

Ai Yori Aoshi
Ai Yori Aoshi
Truly Yours
(Vol. 4)

Ai Yori Aoshi
Ai Yori Aoshi
With All My Heart
(Vol. 5)

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