Catnapped! on video at Toriyasu is a lazy, ordinary 10-year-old boy, who wearily endures the outbursts of his boisterous younger sister, Meeko. When his dog, Papadoll, turns up missing, Meeko is sure the pet has been abducted by aliens. Catnapped!
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Catnapped! The Movie

Toriyasu is a lazy, ordinary 10-year-old boy, who wearily endures the outbursts of his boisterous younger sister, Meeko. When his dog, Papadoll, turns up missing, Meeko is sure the pet has been abducted by aliens. Her suspicions prove correct as, one day on the way to school, Meeko catches a glimpse of a cat dressed in a coat slipping through the shadows. The children soon find themselves being not kidnapped but 'escorted' by three talking cats to Banipal Witt, a feline world that exists in another dimension. Papadoll was brought there by the evil sorceress Princess Buburina: exposure to this world's magical sun has turned the hapless pooch into a bizarre, destructive monster. (Banipal Witt's sun also turns Toriyasu and Meeko into kittens). Saving the cat kingdom, Papadoll, and themselves pits the children and their allies against Buburina and her henchcats in a wild air battle.

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