Battle Angel on video at Battle Angel follows a 'Hunter Warrior' and cyborg healer named Ido. Ido lived in the floating land of Zalem, the paradise that hovers over the refuse heap of Scrap Iron City in which he resides with his former lover, Chiren. Battle Angel
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Battle Angel

Battle Angel is a story of love, hope, and heartbreak. The story blends lightning-paced action, emotional drama, and compelling mystery. The film follows a 'Hunter Warrior' and cyborg healer named Ido. Ido formerly lived in the floating land of Zalem, the paradise that hovers over the refuse heap of Scrap Iron City in which he now resides with his former lover, Chiren. In his travels as a bounty hunter (killing spine thieves in a world in which human nerve tissue has become the most precious commodity), Ido one day discovers and repairs the remnants of a cyborg whom he names Gally. Though possessing the body of a young woman, Gally embodies Ido's most sophisticated and lethal cybernetic skill.

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