Sakura Diaries on video at Sakura Diaries is a clever, quirky romantic comedy spiced up with lots of goofy humor and a splash of R-rated eroticism. Tuoma Inaba is your average country-boy loose in the big city. Sakura Diaries
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Sakura Diaries : Complete Series : Collector's Edition : Episodes 1-12

Sakura Diaries is a clever, quirky romantic comedy spiced up with lots of goofy humor and a splash of R-rated eroticism. Tuoma Inaba is your average country-boy loose in the big city. He arrives in Tokyo to take his college entrance exams but he fails them all. Obsessed with trying to pass college entrance exams in order to break away from his 'country hick' image and to avoid returning home to operate his family's hot springs inn. He enrolls in a cram school and poses as a student at the prestigious Keio University in order to pursue one beautiful girl, 'Yotsuba Mieko'. He moves in with another student, his cousin Urara who has a huge crush on him. Things start to get complicated. In between taking courses at 'cram school' with 'career underachievers' for classmates and trying to make sense of his cousin's sexually charged advances towards him, Touma keeps up the pretense that he is actually a 'keizai' ('economics') major at Keio. Caught in the middle of this muddle is poor Urara, who is awkwardly and painfully exposing herself to the sometimes harsh truths of male sexuality, of which she obviously understands so little, while persistently trying to win Touma's heart as her own conflict rages within over whether she should let her jealousies put a wedge between her 'Tonma-chan' and 'that Keio girl', or if she should guard his precious secret and not interfere, even if it should mean 'losing' the man she loves so dearly to another. It just so happens, however, that Touma is not the only one in this trio of young romantics who is carrying on a deception - each of his two love interests also have something to hide - the revelation of which has a major impact on Touma's outlook, causing him to do some serious re-evaluating of his priorities.

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